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​Ice fractured under fisherman's weight and caused drowning

8 740 просмотрs

By Murat Sultangaliev

Image 0On February 23, a man, who went fishing, drowned in the river. This is the first instance of drowning since the beginning of the year.

The head of diving rescue service Samat Kumashev informed that hey received a phone call at 16:25 that near Peshnoy peninsula 50-y.o. fisherman, the resident of Kurmangazy village, drowned at the delta of the river Ural at 13:30 hrs. His two mates who were near him, tried to rescue him, but failed. The ice on the river is currently very loose and cannot support person's weight.

The team of four divers was sent for searching operations. The body was recovered from water at 19:10.

Kumashev reported that last year 28 people drowned in the rivers and water basins of the region.

February 24 2016, 10:59

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