Atyrau, May 21 09:27
 clearВ Атырау +23
$ 443.72
€ 482.28
₽ 4.90

​Pharmaceutical plant under construction in Atyrau

4 395 просмотрs

Image 0Atyrau set in train the construction of a pharmaceutical plant - LUMPAN CASPIAN PHARMACEUTICALS LLP - worth 3 bln 700 mln tenge.

According to Director of the plant Zabira Dauletzhanova, the project is planned to be completed in February 2017.

As soon as the plant reaches its full-cycle capacity, it will manufacture around 800 mln pills, 3 mln tubes of various ointments and about 20 mln bottles of intravenoussolutions.


November 13 2015, 10:50

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