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​550th anniversary of Kazakh khanate celebrated in Saraishyk

6 921 просмотрs

By Zeena Urynbassarova

Image 3Celebration dedicated to the 550th anniversary of formation of the Kazakh khanate was held in Saraishyk village on the square next to the Mausoleum built in honour of seven khans that were buried here. State and public figures, scientists-turcologists from Russia, China, India and other countries, cultural figures and men of arts, foreign guests participated at the event.

Shyngys Mukan, Deputy Governor of Atyrau Oblast, congratulated attendees on the occasion of the event and noted: "We are celebrating 550th anniversary of Kazakh khanate not just for a festivity, but for deep thinking about the destiny of our country. We are celebrating this remarkable date to pay tribute to our ancestors, to learn lessons from critical moments of our history…".

The Gala concert took place on the huge stage erected on the square. The actors of Drama theater named after Makhambet Utemissov performed in the roles of well-known historical figures – Abylai-khan, Zhangir-khan, Makhambet and others. Local craftsmen demonstrated their skills and items at “Ethnic village". There was also books exhibition and local museums showed their treasures …

In the middle of the square there was the recreated model of the Golden warrior discovered in Atyrau region. In five felt houses – yurts - festive tables – dastarkhans- were laid for the guests.

September 29 2015, 16:48

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