Atyrau, May 21 11:20
 clearВ Атырау +23
$ 443.72
€ 482.28
₽ 4.90

​Tengizchevroil - our major contributor to state budget

4 308 просмотрs

By Zulfiya Iskalieva

Image 0In eight months of the current year the export of crude from Atyrau Oblast brought 244 billion tenge of customs duties into state budget.

The share of "black gold" in total amount of export increased from 97,9% the 98,4%. According to the statement made by the customs post "Ak Zhaik – the Center of customs registration", the leaders among buyers of crude from Atyrau Oblast are Italy, Netherlands, France and Turkey.

Crude is exported from Atyrau region by pipeline and rail through seaports of Novorossiysk, Taman, Ust-Luga and Primorsk, and further to final buyers the crude is delivered by sea transport. The delivery of crude to the above-named ports is carried out via two pipeline systems: Uzen – Atyrau - Samara oil pipeline (KazTransOil JSC) and CPC-K pipeline (Caspian Pipeline Consortium JSC).

– Currently at the customs post there are about 20 subsoil use companies that are processing the papers, - says the chief expert of the customs post "Ak Zhaik" Roman Ten. – The biggest amounts of customs duties paid to the state budget come from Tengizchevroil LLP - about 228 billion tenge.

September 18 2015, 15:03

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