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Assel - lifeguard in skirt

8 849 просмотрs

By Zulfiya Bainekeyeva

Prior to the Day of Rescuer, Atyrau citizen Assel Zulpibekova was given the reward of valour.

Last July, 12-year-old Aida Khamzina drowned in the Munayshi pool and spent rather long time under water until was pulled up showing no signs of life.

After the staff rescuers failed to reanimate the small girl, Assel, another client, overcame her panic and used her skills of closed-chest massage and mouth-to-mouth respiration, which she had acquired when in school but never ever tried on practice.  

October 19 is the day of rescuers, the professional holiday of emergency agency officers.

Traditionally, on this day the regional emergency department reward rescuers and related agency officers.

Assel Zulpibekova became the first and only civil person at the awarding ceremony held in the Kurmangazy House of Culture in Atyrau.

From the hands of Fire Fighting Service Colonel Bolatbek Omarov, Assel received an award pin "For valour shown in emergency situation". 


October 24 2013, 11:11

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