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KMG, Shell sign memo

9 557 просмотрs

By Laura Suleimenova

October 9, at the 8th Kazenergy Eurasian Forum in Astana, Kazmunaygas JSC signed a memorandum of understanding with Shell Kazakhstan Development B.V for scientific technological development of Kazakh oil and gas sector, as part of a road map adopted last May.

The document in particular provides a detailed workout of 1 of 15 priority technological challenges specified in the road map - the investigation of formation fluids properties.

The memo envisages creation of a material and technical base for geologic research based in Innovational Technologies Park in Almaty.

To recall, currently Shell has shares in three Kazakh projects: North Caspian Project Production Share Agreement (16.8%), Zhemchuzhina PSA in the Kazakh sector Caspian Sea (55%) and the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (5.4%)


October 10 2013, 12:51

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